Don’t Wait, Get Inspired with These 101 Life-Changing Daily Affirmations

The tone for your day will depend on how it starts. Take a moment to reflect on how your day started. Did you wake up late for work, making you feel rushed? Did you start your day off with meditation and reading a daily affirmation, making you feel energized, positive and believe you can take on anything? If you are not spending your mornings reading daily affirmations, you need to make this change.

How can daily affirmations change your life? Take a moment to think about how positive you are when your day is going well. You were about to save money at the grocery store, you got a promotion at work, and your children are doing well in school. Positive daily affirmations can work in the same way. You will become inspired through the positivity you read every morning. You will set your tone for the day. Your self-esteem will increase, your physical and mental health will improve, and you will start to notice positive changes happening in your life.

101 Daily Affirmations to Inspire You

I have a challenge for you. I want you to write down what you are feeling at this moment. Describe how your day is going. Write about what you have been feeling in the past few days. You don’t need to think about what you are writing–just write. Now, I want you to read one of these affirmations every day for 101 days. You can read them in order, or you can randomly choose a number. As you read the affirmation, write how it makes you feel. When you have completed the 101 days, I want you to analyze your writing. You will notice your writing becoming more positive as your mindset changes with each affirmation.

It is important to note that you don’t have to follow these daily affirmations in order. You can go through the list and choose one to two that resonate with you. You can also choose more than one a day if this is what you want. The key is to remember to follow this structure every day. Set aside time in your morning to go through your daily affirmation. You can include other factors within your affirmation, such as meditation and taking time for yourself. No matter what you have been told, the most important person in your life is you. You can’t take care of other people until you take care of yourself first.

#1: I am an unlimited person and can create anything I want.

You have the power over your actions, beliefs, and life. With this power, you can accomplish anything. No one can stop you from reaching your goals. You have unlimited power in your abilities.

#2: I can solve any challenges that come my way.

You have everything you need to solve any challenges. You have the strength and courage. You have the ability to problem-solve. No matter what your day brings, you will face it and solve it because you have the mental and emotional tools you need.

#3: I am grateful for all that I am, all that I have, and all that is.

It’s time to be grateful for everything in your life, even when you are struggling. It’s hard to find our moments of gratefulness during times of struggle. However, our struggles are what builds character and makes us emotionally and mentally stronger. Without your struggles, you won’t be the great person you are today.

#4: Today is going to be a fulfilling and amazing day.

There is nothing that can stop you from having the best day possible. It is your mindset that will set the mood for your day. If you believe that you are going to have an amazing day, you will have this amazing day.

#5: I will be more loving today than yesterday.

Every day, we need to take time to reach our best selves. You can work to be the person you imagine yourself to be. Every day is a new day and a chance to start anew. Strengthen your characteristics and skills. Become a more compassionate and loving person every day.

#6: I am loved for who I am.

You are unique. There is no other person in the world like you. You are loved by many people for being you. You deserved to be loved for who you are. Today, take time to tell yourself, “I am an amazing person. I am unique and I loved for being who I am today and every day.”

#7: I love every part of my life.

Every situation you go through in your life, whether it’s good or bad, is going to make you who you are. You will become a unique and great person because of all the pieces of your life. Open your arms up to these pieces and happily place them into your puzzle of life. You won’t be complete without them.

#8: I deserve all the love that I receive.

It’s true; sometimes we feel that people care or love us more than we should. This happens for a variety of reasons, but none of them are true. You deserve all the love that you receive from other people every day of your life. You are worth love.

#9: I am loved more today than I was yesterday

Just like you love yourself more every day, other people love you more every day. You receive more love, and you deserve all the love that you receive. Tell yourself, “I was loved yesterday, but I am more loved today.”

#10: I love myself unconditionally

You talk about how you love other people unconditionally. Now, it is time to love yourself unconditionally. You are worthy of your unconditional love. You deserve your unconditional love. This morning make a promise to yourself. Tell yourself that you will work on loving yourself unconditionally.

#11: Today, I am not going to sweat about the small stuff.

How many times do you worry about the little problems and turn them into the biggest problems? It’s time to stop this mode of thinking and start letting go. Your mistake isn’t going to stop you from achieving your goals or becoming a better person. Instead of sweating the small stuff, find the little miracles within your life.

#12: Today, I am choosing happiness

You are in charge of your emotions. You set your mood for the day and can choose to be happy, sad, frustrated, or angry. Today, choose happiness. Tell yourself that this is going to be your mood for the day, and you are not going to allow any situation to destroy the happiness you deserve.

#13: I will not compare myself to anyone else.

Social media can often make us feel bad about ourselves. We see other people doing better than we are, and we start to feel like we don’t measure up. Today, remind yourself that you will not compare yourself to another person. If you start comparing yourself to someone else, take a step back, and say, “I will not compare myself to anyone else.”

#14: I am enough.

Say this out loud, “I am enough. Now repeat that phrase, but this time louder. “I am enough!” Go ahead and yell those three words because you are enough. You are worthy of accomplishing your goals and dreams. You are worthy of self-love.

#15: I can create my own change.

People often get into a slump where they think they can’t change their situation. While you aren’t in control of everything, you can always change what you are in charge of. You can change your mood and how you react to situations. You want to change a part of your life, now is the day to start changing.

#16: Today, I let go of all that ails me.

We all have baggage, troubles, and factors in our lives holding us down. This baggage can get heavy and keep you from reaching your dreams. It’s time to let this baggage go. Imagine yourself throwing all the baggage out of an airplane and reaching your desired destination.

#17: I am worth it.

How often does something good happen to you and you think, “How did this happen?” You don’t believe you deserve anything great happening to you, but you do. You deserve everything great that happens because you are worth it.

#18: I am my own superhero.

You don’t need Superman, Ironman, or Wonder Woman to be your superhero. You have the powers and tools you need to accomplish anything you want. You will overcome your struggles, and you will win.

 #19: I will not give up.

People easily give up. It doesn’t matter what the task is; if we feel it is too hard or we make mistakes, we want to give up because we think, “I can’t do this.” The truth is, you can do it. You will do it. When you find yourself ready to give up, take a step back and say, “I will not give up.”

#20: I am proud of myself.

You are proud of other people for accomplishing their tasks, but you never tell yourself, “I am proud of you.” Take time today to look in the mirror and state these words. Take time to write down everything you have accomplished and tell yourself, “I am proud of you.”

#21: I am successful.

You have accomplished many goals in your life. Take a moment to write down your accomplishments throughout your life. You can create a list of any accomplishment you can think of or write down your top 10 accomplishments. After this, take a look at your list and say, “I am successful.”

#22: I am attracting fun into my life.

Your life is stressful. There are many challenges you are facing. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun with your life. Take time to have fun and think about all the fun you bring into your life. This might be going out to a movie with friends, taking your dog on a walk, or going out to eat with your significant other. You attract fun because you are a great person to be around.

#23: I am beautiful.

No one in the world looks exactly like you. You are beautiful from the inside out. Take time today to look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am beautiful on the inside, and I am beautiful on the outside.”

#24: My relationships are fulfilling and safe.

Think about your relationships and acknowledge how safe and fulfilling they are. Be proud of the person you are in your relationships. You are worthy of the love you receive from your friends. They help make your life whole, and you feel safe with them.

#25: My opportunities are endless.

The only person who is going to stop you from achieving your dreams is you. Don’t allow yourself to be held back because of fear, or you don’t feel this is your opportunity to take. Tell yourself that anything is within your reach and your opportunities are endless.

#26: My past does not determine my future.

Are you struggling to overcome a past mistake? Are you ashamed of how you acted in the past? Learn from your mistakes and let go of your past. What happened 20 years ago, or what happened yesterday, does not determine your future. Every day when you wake up, remember it is a new day, and you can change anything you set your mind to.

#27: I choose peace.

Just like you can choose happiness, you can choose peace. Today, choose peace. No matter what happens, keep a peaceful attitude. Take a few deep and slow breaths if you start to feel overwhelmed and think of a peaceful scene, such as a waterfall.

#28: I am healthy, and I am grateful.

Be grateful for your good health. Think about how lucky you are to have a healthy body and mind. Take a moment to thank yourself for taking good care of yourself.

#29: I will surround myself with positive people.

Surrounding yourself with positive people will help you maintain a positive mindset. You deserve to surround yourself with the most positive people you know as they will help bring out your best.

#30: I am imperfect, and that makes me unique.

You are a unique and special person because of all your qualities, even your imperfections. Be proud of everything that makes you different and special. Take pride in your imperfections.

#31: My life is a gift.

You were put on this earth for a reason. You have special gifts and unique abilities that can help bring joy and peace. Today, take a moment to reflect on your talents and tell yourself, “My life is a gift, and I appreciate every part of my life.”

#32: I make myself happy. I don’t need anyone else.

It’s common for people to look for happiness in someone else. This is why you feel you need to have a significant other or need to do what your friend is doing. You are the only person you need to make happy. Today, tell yourself, “I make myself happy.”

#33: I will stand up for myself because I am courageous.

Do you find yourself not speaking up when you feel something is wrong? Take time today to tell yourself you are courageous. You don’t need anyone else to stand up for you because you have all the courage you need.

#34: I am happy, content, and calm.

You lead a busy life and need to take time to reflect on your day and find peace and happiness. This will help you to feel content and calm within your life. It doesn’t take a lot of time. Take a few minutes by yourself and take a couple of deep and slow breaths. Tell yourself, “I am happy and calm. I am content with my life.”

#35: I choose not to criticize.

You hear criticism every day. You either hear it from yourself or someone else. You will even criticize others. Make a promise to yourself that you will not criticize yourself or other people. Instead, you will learn from your mistakes and praise yourself for your accomplishments.

#36: I am doing my best, and this is enough.

If you are like so many other people, you don’t feel that your best is good enough. But your best is perfect. This morning, tell yourself that you are doing the best you can, and this is enough.

#37: I choose to be proud of my smallest accomplishments.

You focus more on your larger accomplishments than your smaller ones. Even if you didn’t complete your project today, you did complete so many other tasks. Be proud of yourself for your small accomplishments, such as making your bed, cleaning, and taking care of your family.

#38: I love the way I look.

You often look in the mirror and think of ways your body can improve. You might even try to change the physical aspects of yourself. You won’t post a picture of yourself on social media unless you can use a filter. Today, start to change your view of yourself. Love yourself fully and tell yourself, “I love the way I look.”

#39: I deserve acceptance and respect.

Do you allow people to put you down because of a mistake or the way you look? Maybe you put yourself down. You deserve respect and acceptance from everyone, including yourself. Take time to tell yourself, “I deserve to be treated with respect and acceptance from myself and everyone around me.”

#40: As I grow older, my life becomes richer.

There are many ways to define the word “rich” when it comes to your life. Today, you will focus on how your life becomes richer as your knowledge grows. You learn every day, and this knowledge will help you succeed in life. Today, reflect on how your life is richer than it was yesterday.

#41: Everything I do is valuable to the world.

You accomplish so many tasks every day. In fact, you accomplish so many that you don’t even think of everything you do. Take time to reflect on everything you do throughout the day from within your family to your job. Think about what you do for your friends. What you do is necessary for everyone around you. What you do is valuable to the world.

#42: I will attract money easily in my life.

It’s not that people want money; its people need money. You are no exception. You feel that you never have enough money. You are also exhausted from working so hard to pay your bills. This morning, tell yourself that you are doing a great job. Because you are working so hard, you will start to attract money easily in your life.

#43: My body shape is exactly how it should be.

Everyone is a different size and shape. This is one factor that makes people unique in this world. Love your uniqueness. Make a promise to yourself that you will no longer criticize the shape of your body because it is exactly how it should be. Learn to love your body.

#44: I will take small steps to reach a larger goal.

You can’t reach your big goal without taking several smaller steps. Don’t forget about these small steps and acknowledge every step. Take time now to make a promise to yourself that you will be proud of each step smaller step you take toward your larger goal.

#45: I will let go of my negative thoughts.

We all have negative thoughts. You might notice your negative thoughts daily. By acknowledging your negative thoughts, you give them the power of your thinking. If you let them go, then you have the power over them. Today, work on letting go of your negative thoughts. When you notice one of these thoughts, tell yourself, “This thought will not have power over me. I will let it go.”

#46: I am not inferior, and no one can make me feel this way.

No one, not even yourself, can make you feel inferior. You are a superior person with amazing abilities and skills. You have a great personality and can change the world. Today, tell yourself, “No one can make me feel inferior.”

#47: It’s my job to like me.

Don’t depend on anyone else to like you. It’s your job to like you for who you are. You are a great person who brings a sense of uniqueness into the world no one else can. Today, tell yourself, “It is my job to like me.”

#48: I can say no.

If you don’t feel you have time to take on a new task, say “no.” It’s perfectly fine to say no and focus more on your mental and emotional health. Today, tell yourself, “I will not put stress on myself. I will say “no.”

#49: I will speak with confidence.

Tell yourself, “Today, I will speak with confidence.” You know what you are talking about. You are intelligent, and you can take on anything in your path. Believe in yourself, abilities, and skills.

#50: My driving force is success.

Take time to think about what you want to accomplish in your life. What are your goals for today, tomorrow, and the future? Believe in yourself. Believe you will achieve these goals. Make success your reason to succeed.

#51: I will fall forward.

You will make mistakes, and you will fail. You can’t have success without failure. Instead of falling backward, fall forward. Pick yourself up and continue on your journey.

#52: Outside of my comfort zone, I will be comfortable.

It’s time to step out of your comfort zone. You will accomplish anything you set your mind to. Today, step out of your comfort zone and become comfortable doing something you were afraid to do yesterday.

#53: I let go of fear and choose hope.

Fear is a powerful emotion that will keep you from taking a step forward. You fear what is going to happen in the future. Instead of focusing on fear, focus on hope. Take that step forward and have hope for your future.

#54: I choose to be positive.

No matter where you are, there is negativity and positivity. It doesn’t matter if you are watching television or reading a newspaper. Don’t let the negativity bring you down. Push it away and choose to focus on the positivity.

#55: I am not my mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes every day. No matter what mistakes you have made in the past, they do not determine who you are. Let go of your mistakes. Today, tell yourself, “I am not my mistakes.”

#56: I choose to love and be loved.

You are worthy of love from yourself and others. Don’t allow yourself or anyone else to make you feel unloved. Tell yourself, “Today, I will choose to love myself and focus on the people who love me.”

#57: I choose to smile.

Tell yourself, “No matter what happens to me today, I choose to smile.” Smiling will help you overcome your troubles.

#58: I can become my best self.

You have an ideal version of yourself. You can become this person. Today, think about your ideal self and find ways to become this person.

#59: I choose not to worry.

Don’t let worry cloud your judgment. Let go of your worry by telling yourself, “I choose not to worry. I know everything will be okay.”

#60: What I give is what I receive.

What you give out into the universe is what you will receive. For example, if you treat people with kindness, you will be treated with kindness. Today, focus on your actions and words. Treat people how you want to be treated.

#61: I will not take it personally.

Don’t take anything someone tells you personally. It doesn’t matter if they are talking in a group or directly to you. Tell yourself, “Today I will not take what anyone says personally.”

#62: I will release my anxiety.

Anxiety can bring us down and keep us from achieving our goals. Today, focus on ways to release your anxiety. Take control of your anxiety. You got the world in your hands, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

#63: I am a diamond, and I will shine.

You are special and unique. There is no one like you on the outside or inside. Just like no diamond is the same, you are not the same. It’s your time to shine.

#64: My opinion matters.

What you feel, think, say, and do matters. No matter what it is, it matters. Tell people what you think and believe with pride and confidence.

#65: I choose to make healthier decisions.

Let go of the unhealthy decisions you have made in life. Don’t worry about them. Today is a new day, and you can make a change. Tell yourself, “I will choose healthier decisions for me and my life.”

#66: I will not judge myself or anyone else.

You are not here to judge anyone, including yourself. This is not your job. Your job is to be accepting and understanding. Tell yourself, “Today, I will be accepting and understanding of myself and everyone around me.”

#67: I will take time for myself.

You don’t need to spend every waking moment taking care of someone else. It’s time to take care of you. Today, make a promise to yourself that you will take time for yourself every day. Do what you love to do.

#68: I will say kind words to myself.

Today, make it your mission to only say kind words to yourself. If you find yourself saying something negative, stop, and say something nice. Tell yourself that you are beautiful, smart, and worthy of love.

#69: I will replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

It’s easier for you to think of negative thoughts than positive thoughts. Today, focus on changing your negative thoughts into positive ones. Tell yourself, “I will not focus on negative thoughts. I will replace negativity with positivity.”

#70: I know who I am.

No one else needs to know who you are. The only person that needs to know about you is you. Today, tell yourself, “I know who I am, and I am enough. I don’t have to try to be anyone else.”

#71: I am on the best path for myself.

It doesn’t matter what mistakes you have made or what obstacles are in your way. You are on the best path for yourself. Take a look at your path and be proud of where you are in life.

#72: I will stop apologizing for being me.

Take time today to make a promise to yourself. Say, “Today I will stop apologizing for being me. There is nothing wrong with me.”

#73: I will act.

Don’t just say you will–act. Make a promise to yourself today that you will act on your dreams. Only you can make them come true.

#74: I will work to complete my goals every day.

Make a promise to yourself today that you will take time every day to make sure you are working toward one goal. Create a list of goals and a plan to help you achieve your goals. 

#75: I will achieve all my goals.

Believe in your goals, and you will be able to achieve them. Take a moment to tell yourself, “No matter what my path looks like now, I will achieve all of my goals.”

#76: I will create new goals.

When one door closes, another one opens. This goes the same for your goals. Whether you have completed a goal or working toward your other goals, make an effort to create a new goal today.

#77: I am focused, and I will not quit.

Focus will help you reach any goal you want. Do not quit because you feel you are failing or won’t reach your deadline. Tell yourself, “I am focused, and I will not quit.”

#78: My goals matter.

What other people think of when it comes to your goals doesn’t matter. What matters is what you feel and think when it comes to your goals. Take time to tell yourself, “My goals matter. My dreams matter.”

#79: In my world, all is well.

Focus on being content within your life. Tell yourself, “In my world, all is well.” You are doing the best you can, and you need to be proud of this.

#80: I will look for the good in every bad situation.

When something bad happens, focus on the good within the situation. This will help you overcome any challenges and get through tough times. Make a promise to yourself this morning that you will always look for the good.

#81: I rely on myself.

You don’t need to rely on other people. You will accomplish your goals by simply relying on yourself. You are enough. Tell yourself, “Today, I will focus on relying on myself and remembering that I am enough.”

#82: I will only accept the best for me.

Don’t settle for what you want. Today, tell yourself, “I will only accept the best for me from myself and other people.”

#83: When I take care of myself, I listen to my heart.

You will get advice from other people on how you should take care of yourself. No one knows you better than yourself. The best advice to self-care is to listen to your heart. Tell yourself, “Today, I will start listening to my heart when it comes to my self-care.”

#84: I want to learn something new every day.

You will never stop learning. You are learning through your career, reading, and other people every day. Take time to note something that you learn today.

#85: With a challenge, I see opportunity.

You have challenges just like everyone else. The key to overcoming your challenges is to see them as an opportunity. Take a moment to make a promise to yourself that you will see your challenges as an opportunity.

#86: Time is on my side.

People often feel that they don’t have enough time to accomplish their goals. Today, it’s time to tell yourself, “I will no longer complain about time because it is on my side.”

#87: I will be productive.

Take time this morning to tell yourself, “Procrastination doesn’t have space in my life. I will become more productive and achieve my goals.” You are in charge of your productivity. 

#88: I will take responsibility.

It’s not always easy to take responsibility, but it will help you grow as a person. Take a moment to tell yourself, “Today, I will take responsibility for all my actions. If I don’t like the way my life is going, I will take responsibility and change it.”

#89: I will become more mindful.

When you become more mindful, you are aware of your actions and thoughts. Make a promise to yourself that you will start to focus on mindfulness. You might do this by meditating every morning or keeping yourself aware of your surroundings.

#90: I will focus on the little things.

People often focus on the big things, such as getting a promotion or buying a house. It’s time to start focusing on the little things in your life as well. Notice a smile your child gives or your small accomplishments.  

#91: I will go with the flow.

Situations happen in your life that you cannot control. When you can’t control something, you need to focus on letting it go. Today, make a promise to yourself that you will start to go with the flow.

#92: I am in control of my emotions.

Start coming to the realization that there is very little you can control when it comes to the outside world. Start focusing on what you can control, which are your emotions and how you react to what happens in your environment. Make a promise to yourself that you will start to gain better control of your emotions. You will think before you act, and you will not let your emotions control you.

#93: I am not the only one.

You are not the only one going through a tough situation. You are not the only person in the world who needs to focus more on their mental health. You are not the only person in the world trying to bring more positivity to your life. Believe that you are not alone.

#94: I will turn my stress into peace.

Everyone feels stressed. However, stress is a feeling that we can control. Make a promise to yourself today that you will start to turn your stress into peace. Tell yourself, “I will not allow stress to control my life. I will take a deep breath, and I will make peace with my situation. I will overcome my obstacles.”

#95: I will make new friends.

You will make new friends throughout your life because you love other people. Think about what the word compassion means to you and how you can become more compassionate to other people. Focus on trying to make new friends or repair broken friendships. 

#96: My life is beautiful.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “My life if beautiful because I am beautiful. The people in my life are beautiful.” Take time today to focus on the beauty in your life from a flower to how people treat each other.

#97: I accept accomplishments from other people because I deserve them.

Do you feel awkward when someone gives you a compliment? Do you often feel that you don’t deserve the compliment? You deserve every compliment that someone else gives you. Today, make a promise that you will start accepting compliments from other people because you believe you deserve them.

#98: I am full of energy.

Stop telling yourself you don’t have the energy to accomplish your goals. Instead, tell yourself, “I have an abundance of energy, and I can accomplish anything.” Make your wishes become your reality with your energy. Believing you have energy will help you feel more energized.

#99: I will no longer focus on the “what if.”

We all ask ourselves “what if” from time to time. You are not different. You wonder what if you would have chosen to do something different. What if you would have acted a different way to a certain person. Make a promise to yourself that you will no longer focus on the “what ifs” in your life. You will accept your past and continue to move forward.

#100: I am improving every day.

Take time to think about the ways you improve every day. You might find it helpful to start writing about your improvements in a journal. This will allow you to go back at any time and see the improvements you have made.

#101: I will continue to focus on my positive mindset.

Don’t stop reading a positive affirmation every morning because you have come to the end of this post. Instead, make a promise to yourself that you will read a daily affirmation every morning. Put what you read, your promises, and your beliefs into practice. Continue to build your positive mindset because you are worth having an abundance of positivity within your life.

Inspiring Yourself with Your Daily Affirmations

“You are what you think” is a popular phrase that holds so much truth. People don’t often think about what their beliefs, thoughts, and actions are doing to themselves. They don’t focus on how their negative mindset affects their view on life. However, your mindset has everything to do with how you view yourself and the world around you. The more positive you feel, the more positive you will feel about your life.

Changing your mindset is not easy. It takes time and you will find yourself becoming frustrated from time to time. The key is to continue to focus on the positive. At the same time, it is important to make sure that you don’t ignore any negativity in your life. You need to accept negativity to move on and focus more on the positive. Think of it this way, your heart can only hold so much negativity and positivity. Therefore, when your heart brings in negativity, it forces some of the positivity out. But, when your heart focuses on positivity, it forces the negativity out. You then begin to release the negativity and feel more positive.

Positivity is a key factor when you are inspiring yourself. When you feel positive, you will believe you can take on the world–and you can! Don’t look to other people for inspiration, focus on yourself. In fact, you are your best source of inspiration. You can do anything, and you can be anyone.

The best way to inspire yourself with your daily affirmations is to practice them. Don’t just practice them once and then move on to the next one. You want to practice them every day. By doing this, they will become natural and you will follow these affirmations without thinking about it. This is when you will truly start to feel powerful. You will feel positive and you will believe in yourself. You will show yourself self-love because you are worth it.

Related Questions:

1. How do I start improving my mindset?

One of the best ways to start improving your mindset is to become mindful. When you are mindful, you will pay more attention to your thoughts and actions. Therefore, when you start to notice a negative thought, you will be able to transform it into a positive thought. Another way to improve your mindset is through meditation. Meditation helps us release the negativity inside our heart, mind, and soul. This will make room for more positivity in your life.

2. It’s my third day using affirmations and I don’t feel much different. What am I doing wrong?

You are doing nothing wrong. It takes a lot of time to convince ourselves that we deserve compliments, love, trust, respect, compassion, and to reach our goals. In fact, it is easier for you to convince another person that they deserve love than it is yourself. One of the biggest reasons why you need to focus on an affirmation every day it will become a positive habit. Over time, and it can take weeks to months, you will start to notice a shift in your mindset. You will feel more powerful and positive. Don’t give up, continue on this path as you will reach your destination.

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